INFRATEL Optic Fiber Transmission Services

INFRATEL intends to run an operator neutral optic fiber network that will keep extending as expansion works progress. INFRATEL will therefore run the most extensive backbone fiber network in the country. This ties in well with INFRATEL’s vision of making ICT services more accessible in the country.

The Most Extensive Optic Fiber Network in Zambia

INFRATEL intends to run an operator neutral optic fiber national network that will provide capacity services to various licensed operators at wholesale prices. INFRATEL’s plan is to take away the appetite of Operators from building their own fiber networks through provision of affordable service.

INFRATEL’s high bandwidth connectivity and secure network will transport customer circuits over fiber through various configurations aimed to meet customers’ needs with full scalability.


INFRATEL offers the following services.

INFRATEL will provide high bandwidth point-to-point leased transmission connectivity to deliver backbone and backhaul, and national connections. Some of our services will be offered as: Ethernet Services (Mbps, Gbps)...

We shall offer In-Country transit for our neighbouring countries' connectivity. As Zambia shares its boarders with 8 neighbours, INFRATEL will exploit this advantage by making Zambia a hub for connectivity.

INFRATEL will further avail Operators with access to its metro transmission network. This will be used mostly for Operators connecting to their Cell sites. The INFRATEL metro transmission network will become very key...

Our Network

INFRATEL's transmission network will cover all the 10 provinces with redundancy rings on some routes. The INFRATEL transmission network will be built on DWDM technology with a high capacity backbone.